The Seafarers Happiness Index provides everyone working at sea the chance to share how they feel, and talk about the good and bad about their life at sea today. Share your views with us, and let your industry know what changes need to be made.
Latest Q4 2024 Happiness Score
Down from 7.16 in Q3 2024
Tell us how you feel
What vessel type do you serve on?
How old are you?
Where do you come from?
What rank do you hold?
What is the flag state of your vessel?
How long have you been on board?
How old is your vessel?
Email address
Please enter a valid email addressYour happiness level is:
“It’s great that you are feeling positive about life at sea. Remember to take the survey again on your next trip so you can compare your results. We want to see that happiness level continue!”
"We are sorry to see that you feel that way and that things are difficult. Please find contact details below for access to advice and support."
Receive your results to your inbox
Plus a free copy of our maritime magazine ‘The Sea’
If you would like to access any advice or support, here are a few ways to get in touch with someone who can help:
If you have an issue that cannot wait until you reach port, please contact our Crew Help team for support: [email protected]
Don’t forget to visit your local seafarers centre on your arrival in port. To find your nearest centre,
please go to:
The Sea is our quarterly magazine aimed to keep seafarers up-to-date with all the latest maritime news and opinion. To sign up, please visit:
This is a free, confidential, multilingual helpline for individual seafarers and their families available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, provided by ISWAN. They can assist with issues ranging from poor wages and working conditions, to just being able to talk to someone when in need.
You can either call +44 20 7323 2737 or email: [email protected], or to find out more visit: Seafarer Help